Two weeks ago, I was sitting on the beach and getting my first sunburn in ages  with these girls. While it’s no secret that I LOVE California, I’d never made it down to San Diego. But now that I have? Yeah, I’m a big fan.

Then again it’s hard to argue with anywhere the mighty Pacific is. Watching the waves, the cool, salty breeze, it just never gets old.

Hannah, Erin and I met on the movie junket beat a few years ago and thought it would be fun to reconnect. We had a killer time at the Noah (yeah, the Noah with Russell Crowe and Hermione Granger, lol) event in NYC (I still remember that pumpkin cheesecake from Junior’s and all the walking in the rain), so we decided that traveling together again was a must. In what didn’t surprise me in the least, we found our chatty rhythm again in no time flat and enjoyed beach-hopping, tacos with an ocean view, and just so Hannah could finally discover why Erin and I were so obsessed, “Felicity” binge-watching every night.

While I’m still not sure if Hannah is Team Noel or Team Ben, it was fun seeing her experience Felicity’s freshman year nuttiness. And when we weren’t catching up on our late ’90s television, we loved seeing Hotel del Coronado, the Gaslamp District downtown, La Jolla and Mission Beach. While a little cooler than I had expected temperature-wise, it was sunny and gorgeous almost every day. And California being California, the people-watching was always a treat too. But mostly it was just fun catching up with old friends, hearing what’s been going on in their lives and experiencing the beauty of a new city. I already can’t wait for whatever adventure is next. Well, as long as it doesn’t involve whale watching.

Yes, I don’t think I’ll be signing up for a cruise any time soon (who knows, maybe I just saved myself thousands of dollars in the future). We were on a huge ol’ boat, and I should’ve seriously considered taking the Dramamine beforehand. Three and a half hours feels like 10 when everything around you, especially your head, is spinning. But every trip needs a funny story, right? That was mine. I could barely walk without falling over, and not a single drop of alcohol was involved. Oy vey.

On a parting note, in what’s yet another reminder of how small this world truly is, I met someone from Eau Claire, Wisconsin on that boat. Turns out, she wanted to live wherever Bon Iver was, so that made me smile. 🙂